Maintaining a Document Type Code Table

You can access the Document Type Code Maintenance page to maintain a Document Type code. Code tables provide you with the tools to define and maintain the values that populate drop-down list boxes throughout the system.


The Document Type table represents the types (categories) of PDF or TIF documents that users can upload and associate to a committee.  The list of uploaded documents, each with its associated type or category from this table, appears on each committee’s Overview page in the secure site.


Note that the Campaign Finance forms listed do not refer to reports that are electronically filed, but are used for forms that are submitted on paper, scanned, and saved in PDF or TIF format.


Only committees or administrative users can view documents that are categorized as a private type, and they can only view them through the secure site. Documents that are categorized as a public type are available for viewing on the public site.


To access the Document Type Code Maintenance page:


To maintain a Document Type code:


See Also